On the surface we are a non-profit service provider. Out staff provide care, assistance, and guidance to a handful of adults with varied abilities and disabilities. More than that, however, Alternative Pathways has become a sort of family. Some of our service recipients have known each other for more than a decade and there are definite bonds between the people who work and volunteer here and the people who receive their services from Alternative Pathways.
From the beginning, Alternative Pathways has stressed the importance of our involvement in our local community. The idea behind this is simple--no one can expect to be a part of a group if they keep themselves out of it. By working to keep our neighborhoods clean, joining in on Grand Rapids events, and taking trips together, we show others what we already know: an individual's disability is not the community's burden. We are capable and valuable.
Alternative Pathways differs from most of the other options in a few important ways. Our office and most of the homes we work in, are in the same one mile area of Southeast Grand Rapids. Some of our recipients own their own homes, some rent from their fellow recipients, and others rent from local landlords. Some even live with family, outside of the neighborhood altogether. Unlike an Adult Foster Care (or AFC) home, there are choices to receive all, some, or even none of Alternative Pathways services and still rent from one of the homes we work in. There is also no requirement for individuals to be enrolled in day programs, school, or other employment. While some of our recipients do attend public school, vocational day programing, or jobs in the community; many others are home during the day receiving services in their homes and in the community.
Our staff members have the best interest of our group at heart and our board of directors is behind us making sure all of our big hearts are working inside of a functioing organization. If you're wondering how you can become a part of our group in any way, please visit our contact page to download an employment application or get in touch. We would love to hear from you!